The University of Texas at El Paso

Bill Robertson

SIED 5323 - Societal Context of Science Education

PBL Overview

PBL Components

Research Paper 1

Research Paper 2

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3


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PBL Main Web Page Content Guidelines for TED 5314


Utilize a Heading that will immediately grab the attention of the reader and promote a connection to the overall theme – For example “Who’s the Polluter” or “Anarchy Science”.


The hook is an introductory paragraph that will cause the reader to take an interest to the subject as well as find a relevant connection to their perspective. The hook can be in the form of questions or brief text that serves to

Introduction with Real World Connection

Often viewed as a scenario, this can be a short series of paragraphs that expand on the hook to the reader and explicitly make the connection between the enduring knowledge and real world examples that are appropriate for the student audience. This should be engaging and further drive the student to seek answers and dive deeper into the topic.

Guiding Question(s) linking to Enduring Knowledge

Open ended and student centered to allow the learner to explore and explain through investigations and research opportunities.

UTEP College of Education
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