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Policy Guidelines


        Class meets on Tuesday and Thursday. Class attendance is required. Seats will be assigned and roll will be taken at the beginning of each class. Excused absences are limited to UTEP sponsored and required trips (a department head letter or letter from the Dean of Students is required), and documented medical emergencies. All other absences are unexcused. You are allowed 4 unexcused absences per semester without any penalty. Penalties for unexcused absences in excess of 4 are as follows:


                    5th  absence………..10 points will be deducted from student's final grade - Student has missed 17% of course.

                    6th additional 15 points will be deducted from student's final grade - Student has missed 20% of course.

                    7th additional 20 points will be deducted from student's final grade - Student has missed 23% of course.

                    8th additional 25 points will be deducted from student's final grade - Student has missed 27% of course.

                    9th additional 30 points will be deducted from student's final grade - Student has missed 30% of course.

                   10th absence................Student will receive an automatic grade of F for the course - Student has missed 33% of course.


 Finally: To those who choose to sleep late and disrupt the lecture and the focus of the class by wandering into the classroom late, DON'T! If you are not in your seat when roll has been taken and the morning's lecture has begun, you will be credited with an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. Be on time! It is important to note that the only way we know you are in class is by the appearance of your name on the sign-in sheet. If your name does not appear on the sign-in sheet, YOU ARE NOT IN CLASS.

Class Participation

       20 points extra credit will be given to every student at the end of the semester who has perfect attendance. Perfect attendance means just that….No absences whatsoever other than UTEP sponsored and required trips.

     By continuing your enrollment in this course, you implicitly express your understanding of, and agreement to, this policy.

In the interest of fairness to all students, I make  NO exceptions to this policy.

Course Drop Policy

    Course drop policy is governed by university guidelines found  in your Fall Class Schedule online. You may drop this course at any time prior to the student initiated drop deadline with an automatic grade of 'W'. After the drop deadline, a student must be dropped with a grade of 'F'. A grade of 'W' can only be assigned after that date under exceptional circumstances. Students seeking to withdraw with a 'W' after the drop deadline must be passing the course to receive a 'W'.