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History 1302 - Study Guide for the Final Examination Fall, 2016


The Final examination will consist of 30 multiple choice questions, 2 short-answer identification questions and 1 essay question taken from all material from Chapters 23  through Chapter 30 of your textbook and all lectures through Week 15 . The exam will be worth 100 points. You may (and are encouraged to) research beyond the textbook and lecture notes if you so choose. Bring a small green Scantron to the exam on which to answer the MC questions. You will answer the ID and Essay section on a provided test booklet (do not bring a bluebook). There are no test items associated with the reader Voices.



Study the following terms. The questions on the exam will follow the exact order of the study guide terms listed below. The MC portion of the exam will be worth 30 points.

1.  Know who helped form the Progressive, or Bull Moose Party.

2.  Know what the 18th Amendment of the Constitution provided for.

3.  Be able to identify problems that Women's Suffrage movement continued to face after 1890.

4.  Know what the 19th Amendment provided for.

5.  Know what vessel the Germans sunk in 1915.

6.  Know what Theodore Roosevelt' goal was as regards foreign policy.

7.  Know what the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty was.

8.  Know what stated that the U.S. had the right to intervene in Latin America.

9.  Know what helped to usher in the age of leisure.

0. Know what the key to affluence in the 1920s was.

11. Know what was critical to the growth of the auto industry in the 1920s.

12. Be able to discuss the revolution in consumer goods.

13. Know what the most striking characteristic of the stock market was in 1929.

14. Know what percentage of American workers were unemployed by 1932.

15. Know who the social and economic effects of the Great Depression affected most.

16. Know what Hoover believed about unemployment relief.

17. Know how U.S. exports in 1929 compared to exports in 1914.

18. Know which nations comprised the Axis Powers in WWII.

19. Know which African country Italy invaded.

20. Know among which group pacifism was most supported in the 1930s.

21. Know how the Potsdam Conference ended in July, 1943.

22. Know what the fundamental disagreement between the U.S. and the Soviet Union was at the start  of the Cold War.

23. Know what the term, "Iron Curtain" refers to.

24. Know who invented the concept of Mass construction of suburban homes.

25. Know what group was rigidly excluded from all three Levittowns.

26. Know what the most significant n social trend in postwar America was.

27. Know at least one major factor that helped Kennedy defeat Nixon in 1960.

28. Know what John F. Kennedy's domestic program was called.

29. Know what JFK's top priority was when he became president.

30. Know what JFK did to help South Vietnam in 1961.



Identify the following: In your identification, you MUST address WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and most importantly, WHY. The "why" means, What is the historical significance of the subject, i.e., why do historians care? What was there about the person/place/thing that was so significant as to be of paramount importance to contemporary and/or future generations? Spend a LOT of time here. The WHY portion of your answer will constitute 50% of your grade on the question. From the following four terms, two will be chosen for you to answer at the time of the exam. 20 points each.

The 19th Amendment

George F. Kennan

FDR's First New Deal

Josef Stalin



Prepare to thoroughly address the following questions. From the following list of two questions, one will be chosen for you to answer at the time of the exam. The essay question will be worth 30 points. In order to be THOROUGH in your answers, you are highly encouraged to go beyond the textbook to research these topics.


1.  Compare and contrast the First and Second New Deals. Which had more far-reaching success? Why?


2.  What was the Marshall Plan? What role did it play in American–Soviet relations? Be thorough in your answer.