Lesson plans



All assignments are due by 7:30 am on the day indicated.

Calendar subject to change with advance notice.


UTEP Spring, 2012 Academic Calendar


Week 1:

Jan. 17-20

Week 1: Classes begin. Assign Personal Reflection. 



Week 2:  Jan. 23-27

Week 2: Work on Personal Reflection.




Tentative: Meet at University Writing Center, library entrance floor, for orientation.:

University Writing Center



  • Discuss levels of style.

  • Written discussion: How much do you really want to be here?  Possible writing exercise.

  • Professionalization: Start now to become the pro that you want to be.

  • Issue Checklist.



Week 3: Jan. 30-Feb. 3


Week 3: Continue work on Personal Reflection.




Personal Reflection due Tuesday.  Post on your Wiki.



  • Follow-up on Personal Reflection assignment.

  • Return Checklist Sept. 8.

  • Census Day Sept. 8.

  • Do Quick Check for Revision.

  • Do follow-up on Personal Reflection.



Week 4: Feb. 6-10

Week 4: Work on Application Assignment.

UTEP Library

  • Monday, meet in Library for walk-thru..





Week 5: Feb. 13-17 Week 5: Application Assignment due Assign Restaurant Review.
Week 6: Feb. 20-24 Week 6: Rough draft of Restaurant Review due Wed. Continue work on Restaurant Review.
  • Discuss "Tips for Writing Comments and Narratives" from book.
  • Do rough draft of Restaurant Review.
  • Possible peer review Wednesday or Friday.


Week 7: Feb. 27-Mar. 2 Week 7: Get Restaurant Review checked.  Continue work on Restaurant Review.

Week 8: Mar. 5-9

Week 8: Restaurant Review due.  Assign Opinion Piece.

  • Collect Checklist for Restaurant Review.

  • Do follow-up on Restaurant Review.

  • Do preliminary questions on Opinion Piece.

  • Discuss five-part ISARC format for Opinion Piece.

  • Discuss: "10 Rules for Op-Eds," by Susan Shapiro,  from Writer's Digest.

  • SPRING BREAK March 12-16, 2012

Week 9: Mar. 19-23

Week 9:  Work on Opinion Piece assignment.



Week 10: Mar. 26-30

Week 10: Course drop deadline. Work on Opinion Piece assignment.



Week 11: Apr. 2-5

Week 11: Opinion Piece assignment due. Start on Secret Shopper Report.




Week 12: Apr. 9-13

Week 12: Work on Secret Shopper Report.

  • Discuss "Remember that You are a Mystery Shopper" in Stucker's book (p. 132-134).

  • "Using Tip Sheets in Mystery Shopping" (link

  • Review "Writing Reports" in Stucker's book (p. 149-169).

  • Do secret shopping this week!

  • Rough draft of report  due Wednesday.

  • Peer review Friday


Week 13: Apr. 16-20

Week 13: Get Secret Shopper Report checked over!

  • Written exercise: Consumer vs. Producer

  • Possible Peer Review if not completed already.


Week 14: Apr. 23-27


Week 14:  Secret Shopper Report due.

Share reports with class.



Week 15: Apr. 30-May 3

Week 15: Do follow-up on Secret Shopper assignment. Share reports with class.

  • Do follow-up on Secret Shopper Assignment

  • Thursday. is the last day of classes. 

  • Study Day, Fri., May 4.


Week 16: May 7-11


Date, time and place T.B.A.



Final grades available to students online by 18 May 2012.






For educational purposes only.



Owen M. Williamson - Education Bldg 211E - phone: (915) 747 7625 - fax: (915) 747 5655
The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968
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