The goal of this project was to create 3 alternate movie posters, I chose the following three. (Blade Runner, Nosferatu and Fight Club).

The goal of this project was to create 3 alternate movie posters, I chose the following three. (Blade Runner, Nosferatu and Fight Club).
The street signs of dystopian future Los Angeles as well as the geometric aesthetic of Rick Deckard apartment (Frank Lloyd Wright’s “Ennis House”) where the main influence on my poster. Making it purely a typographic design to express the certain signage and angular shapes of the movie.
One of the main themes confronted in this movie is consumer culture, I tried to exemplify this with the barcode and gave it a distressed look. The type is presented as pink spray paint the color representing the soap the club manufactures.
One thing that really stuck out to me from this movie was the odd elongated body of Nosferatu as well as his creepy hands. I decided to incorporate this in my design adding a sort of negative silhouette to a picture of a woman’s neck.